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小学一年级英语教案-She a nurse教案

来源:学大教育     时间:2016-02-29 17:43:30

小学生要想学好英语需要掌握科学的方法,而课前预习阅读教案是提高自己英语学习水平的最好的方法,为了能够使大家轻松学好小学英语,下面学大教育网为大家带来小学一年级英语教案-She a nurse教案,希望能够提高大家的英语学习效果。


1.Words: he, she, doctor,nurse,pupil,teacher;

2.Sentences: He/She’s a ….


1.Grasp the sentences ‘He’s a… She’s a…’and roll them by freely.

2.Develop the students’ ability of listening, speaking and reading.

3.Know parents’ jobs and love them more.


he’s=he is she’s=she is


Name cards

五、Teaching Process:

Step1 Greeting

Step2 Review When I introduce girls, we should use “She’s a girl”, when we introduce boys, we should use “He’s a boy”.

Step3 Leading in

I show the stethoscope and make gestures, say: “Guess, what do I do?” Ss will say the doctor in Chinese. Then teach the word, write it on the blackboard. I take the bag and run to classroom, let Ss guess. Write the word: pupil. Teach them, drill them, read two by two.

Step 4Learning

1. Learn the new words.

Point to the male doctor, then say: ‘He’s a doctor.’ Point to the female doctor then say: ‘She’s a doctor.’Show the card‘doctor’

Game: High and low voice.

2. Learn the sentence patterns and the text.

Write the sentence patterns on the blackboard: He’s a doctor. She’s a teacher. He’s a pupil. Read them, drill them. Ss read them and make gestures.

Listen the text again and repeat, read sentence by sentence.

Do a role-play.

3. Listen and chant.

Blackboard Writing

上面是学大教育网小编为大家精心准备的小学一年级英语教案-She a nurse教案,希望大家在学习小学英语的时候要好好利用教案,想要获取更多的小学英语教案内容,请登录学大教育网。

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